Cup Group Break #7:
Group Break Box Breakdown:
6 Tin Sealed Case of 10-11 The Cup Hockey
The Break will consist of 26 spots, $115 USD per spot or $115 CDN per spot. $124 USD per spot on eBay.
Teams not in the break will be: Florida Panthers, Dallas Stars, St. Louis Blues, and Nashville Predators. The teams that go hit-less will be randomed three times by to determine who receives the hits from each team if any pulled for the four above. You are allowed to trade your team selected for any one of the dead teams listed.
Teams will be determined by after being randomed three times and any dual team cards will be determined by also. All members in the Group Break and their respective teams will be posted on this current page and Facebook group (!/pages/Imperial-Garden-Restaurant-Sports-Cards/208821329128652 ) after the order has been determined.
If a none NHL player is pulled like Barry Saunders, Dan Marino, Derrick Rose Tribute, all 26 people who have spots in the Break will be randomed three times and top person on the list will receive the card.
The teams in the Break that go hitless will receive a card from Imperial Garden for your participation.
Paypal is the ONLY method of payment accepted.
The Break will be live on ustream:
The Case Break will be tentatively scheduled for Sunday November 13th @ 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST. The Break can happen sooner if all spots are filled before.
Case Box Break Videos:
Random.Org Video
Box Breaks Tins 1-3:
Box Breaks Tins 4-6:
Dead Team Random:
6 Tin Sealed Case of 10-11 The Cup Hockey
The Break will consist of 26 spots, $115 USD per spot or $115 CDN per spot. $124 USD per spot on eBay.
Teams not in the break will be: Florida Panthers, Dallas Stars, St. Louis Blues, and Nashville Predators. The teams that go hit-less will be randomed three times by to determine who receives the hits from each team if any pulled for the four above. You are allowed to trade your team selected for any one of the dead teams listed.
Teams will be determined by after being randomed three times and any dual team cards will be determined by also. All members in the Group Break and their respective teams will be posted on this current page and Facebook group (!/pages/Imperial-Garden-Restaurant-Sports-Cards/208821329128652 ) after the order has been determined.
If a none NHL player is pulled like Barry Saunders, Dan Marino, Derrick Rose Tribute, all 26 people who have spots in the Break will be randomed three times and top person on the list will receive the card.
The teams in the Break that go hitless will receive a card from Imperial Garden for your participation.
Paypal is the ONLY method of payment accepted.
The Break will be live on ustream:
The Case Break will be tentatively scheduled for Sunday November 13th @ 1:00 pm PST / 4:00 pm EST. The Break can happen sooner if all spots are filled before.
Case Box Break Videos:
Random.Org Video
Box Breaks Tins 1-3:
Box Breaks Tins 4-6:
Dead Team Random:
Spots for 10-11 The Cup GB:
1) professorDMT (Paid) 2) whiskeyagogo (Paid) 3) brad1818 (Paid) 4) shauner76 (Paid) 5) darrenGA (Paid) 6) darrenGA (Paid) 7) BobbyLou (Paid) 8) mazon79 (Paid) 9) MikeR (Paid) 10) puckjunky (Paid) 11) bobbyLou (Paid) 12) diamondcardz63 (Paid) 13) trask7 (Paid) 14) shauner76 (Paid) 15) gmoneygp (Paid) 16) kota88 (Paid) 17) ryanh (Paid) 18) brad1818 (Paid) 19) THERUSSIANRCKT (Paid) 20) diamondcardz63 (Paid) 21) troyb0204 (Paid) 22) mazon79 (Paid) 23) trask7 (Paid) 24) mazon79 (Paid) 25) puckjunky (Paid) 26) darrenGA (Paid) |
RANDOM.ORG Names and Teams